Saturday, December 11, 2010

something is screwy...

I remember being told that diabetics whose blood sugar control is poor often wake up in the middle of the night to pee. "Minctio ergo sum" to paraphrase Dr. Rene Descartes. This roughly translates as "I urinate, therefore I am..."

The first time I got out of bed this morning was simply a nightly occurrence.

The second time I got out of bed to pee had me wondering what I'd eaten to cause this. I did eat ice creamme in the early afternoon but then I had a "Healthy Choice" meal for dinner. The early afternoon sugar should have long before been dealt with and the "Healthy Choice" meals should not be too big on jacking the blood sugar. (Although I've had some high sugar two hours after eating my evening meals after eating a "Healthy Choice" dinner.)

The third time had me starting to get concerned. I suppose I could have checked my blood sugar when I got out of bed this morning but checking it about 3:30 am just isn't a great idea!

The amazing thing is that I don't drink any water during this night time toilet visits. I figure that if I starve myself of water, I might not build any up and might be able to get more sleep. It doesn't seem to work though...

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