Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Great News!

When I got my annual flu shot today, I had to be weighed. My weight was

218.8 pounds!

This is the lowest it has been in decades! 

The last time was around 1990!

Update the next day. Kathie had an AM of 190 and I had 125. It looks like my evening meds kick in more than 2 hours after I eat.

I feasr she could be going on the needle sooner than me!

If it were not for the massive weight loss, I would already be on the needle myself.

Monday, October 03, 2022

October 2022


October 2022

Our MD has us test our blood sugar upon waking and then 2 hours after "fork down" in the evening. This has been going on a long time.

My Heart Surgeon is worried about my blood pressure and is having me take my blood pressure first thing in the morning.

           MB            KOLB 
 Sat   1   118   140                   137/63
 Sun   2   133   146                   154/69
 Mon   3   132   139     153   111     120/63
 Tue   4   135   156                   224/70
 Wed   5   109   199                   117/67
 Thu   6   126   188                   126/75
 Fri   7   140   149     183   138     123/75
 Sat   8   143   153                   136/72
 Sun   9   124   225                   140/56
 Mon  10   148   148     163   140     134/69
 Tue  11   121   190                   123/56  2 hours post lunch 224
 Wed  12   126   156                   122/69
 Thu  13   111   185     151   145     138/69  
 Fri  14   136   186                   149/84
 Sat  15   118   170                   136/70
 Sun  16   153   182                   113/87
 Mon  17   134   212                   108/84
 Tue  18   156   225                   114/82
 Wed  19   144   162                   124/86
 Thu. 20   125           190   149     128/89
Fri. 21   122                         129/91

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 xxx   2   xxx   xxx     ---   ---     xxx/xx

I had homemade pizza and a local lager on the 9th.