Thursday, February 28, 2019

March 2019

March 2019 My first MD told me to test my blood sugar twice a day, two days a week.

 I choose Tuesday and Thursday.

 AM is immediately after getting out of bed.

 PM is two hours after "fork down" at the end of my evening meal.

Day  Date  AM    PM

Fri   1   ---   ---  
Sat   2   ---   ---  
Sun   3   ---   ---  
Mon   4   ---   ---  
Tue   5   80   143  before dinner 64low
Wed   6   ---   ---  
Thu   7   79    90  V
Fri   8   ---   ---  
Sat   9   ---   ---  
Sun   10  ---   ---  
Mon   11  ---   ---  
Tue   12   91   228low                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Wed   13  ---   ---  
Thu   14   76   140  
Fri   15  ---   ---  
Sat   16  ---   ---16  
Sun   17  ---   ---  
Mon   18  ---   ---  
Tue   19  111   158  
Wed   20  ---   ---  
Thu   21  ---   ---  
Fri   22  ---   ---  
Sat   23  ---   ---  
Sun   24  ---   ---  
Mon   25  ---   ---  
Tue   26  ---   ---  
Wed   27  ---   ---  
Thu   28  ---   ---  
Fri   29  ---   ---  
Sat   30  ---   ---   

low I was feeling weak, light headed and hungry and checked y blood sugar. It was 64 just before dinner. Damn

signifies "vomit" after I had slept for 1 to 2 hours (roughly).

lowI woke up around 5 am feeling weak. I took a leak and felt so weak I had to sit down to recover before going to the kitchen. I ate three tablespoons of cottage cheese and then could not find the peanut butter. I did see an unopened box of Girl Scout shortbread cookies and ate a couple. then, I ate a couple of pieces dark chocolate I went back to bed and felt the hunger quickly diminish. I slept solid until Kathie woke me up.

16I woke up feeling sick and ended up vomiting. This was painful and lead to pain in my throat below my chin. I took three painkillers and that eventually killed the pain. I then had a very hard time getting out of be at 7am to go to work.

< h r >  line break

Monday, February 25, 2019

medications change

Taken off Actos due to side effects. These include weight gain and water retention.

The irony is the MD who took me off the Actos is the same MD as who put me on Actos. I am tentatively on another drug that includes something else and metformin.

Now, I will have to see if insurance will cover this new drug...

Here is my future status

Tetanus shot

Tetanus shot today (25 February 2019)

Thursday, February 14, 2019

note regarding recent House actions...

There was a single news report about a house committee investigating drug prices. The CEOs of the major manufactures refused to attend. So, why don't the new house member issue subpoenas? For that matter, why isn't this featured on the evening news?

Saturday, February 02, 2019

February 2019

February 2019 My first MD told me to test my blood sugar twice a day, two days a week.

 I choose Tuesday and Thursday.

 AM is immediately after getting out of bed.

 PM is two hours after "fork down" at the end of my evening meal.

Day  Date  AM    PM

Fri    1  ---   ---  
Sat    2  --- 80 9080-90 
Sun    3  ---   ---  
Mon    4  ---   ---4th  116/62
Tue    5  ---   ---5  I misplaced my meter but found it in late evening.
Wed    6   56    75  
Thu    7   81   129   
Fri    8  ---   ---  
Sat    9  ---   ---  
Sun   10  ---   ---  
Mon   11  ---   ---  
Tue   12   76   144  
Wed   13  ---   ---  
Thu   14   80   127  
Fri   15  ---   ---  
Sat   16  ---   ---  
Sun   17  ---   ---  
Mon   18  ---   ---  
Tue   19   60   100  
Wed   20  ---   ---  
Thu   21   80   203  
Fri   22  ---   ---  
Sat   23  ---   ---  
Sun   24  ---   ---  
Mon   25  ---   ---  
Tue   26   63   173  
Wed   27  ---   ---  
Thu   28  101   125  

80-90I was feeling weak and a bit dizzy so I sampled some chocolate fudge at work. I checked my blood sugar when I got home and it was quite low at 80! Two hours after dinner, it was 90.
4thWhen I woke up around 2:20 am on 4 February 2019, and wandered into the bathroom to  urinate, I noticed I felt weak and then hungry. I had to sit down. While I was sitting there, Jackie (elder cat) came in to eat and I realized they were low on food, so I opened a bag of cat fud and feed them.

Then, I realized that feeling weak and hungry probably was a sign of hypoglycemia so I went to the kitchen. I felt dizzy and had to lean against the walls since I feared I was going to lose my balance.  At the  freezer,.I ate a small amount of frozen dark chocolate (which hays been in there for some time!). This was a nice hit. The problem is a quick relief probably meant a quicker return to  hypoglycemia.

I made myself a single slice peanut butter sandwich and drank some water.

Feeling suddenly weak, I checked my blood sugar around 4 pm and it was 98. ________________________________________________________________________________
5thA couple of hours after going to bed, I woke up belching and knew I was about to start vomiting. So, I went to the Hall Bathroom, bend over the toilet and said "OK stomach, do your worst!". Nothing happened so I put my finger down my throat twice. After vomiting twice, I was horrified when my breathing froze and I was not breathing.

I did not have the inhaler near me but was able to consciously force myself to breath. I then went to the kitchen, used the inhaler and felt my breathing return to normal.

This was a horrifying event!