Tuesday, December 31, 2019

January 2020

January 2020

My first family MD told me to test my blood sugar twice a day on two different days. I took his advise of testing first thing in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday. My VA Doc changed the second "testing time" to two hours after I finished eating dinner. My three family MDs since 2004 and various VA Docs have agreed with this testing plan.

Kathie is now type 2 as well and is testing on Monday and Thursday. So, I am now testing those days as well.

Day  Date AM    PM
Wed    1  ---   ---  
Thu    2   85    83a  
Fri    3  ---   ---  
Sat    4  ---   ---  
Sun    5  ---   ---  
Mon    6  ---   ---  
Tue    7   77   107  
Wed    8  ---   ---  
Thu    9   91b  120  
Fri   10  ---   ---  
Sat   11  ---   ---  
Sun   12  ---   ---  
Mon   13c 116   101 vomito ergo sum  
Tue   14  ---   ---  
Wed   15  ---   ---  
Thu   16  129   112  
Fri   17  ---   ---  
Sat   18  ---   ---  
Sun   19  ---   ---  
Mon   20  102   121  
Tue   21  ---   ---  
Wed   22  ---   ---  
Thu   23   96   125  
Fri   24  ---   ---  
Sat   25  ---   ---  
Sun   26  ---   ---  
Mon   27   98    67d  
Tue   28  ---   ---  
Wed   29  ---   ---  
Thu   30   93   127
Fri   31  ---   ---  

a These are surprisingly low figures. I guess i won't be "going on the needle" any time soon. Also, Kathie got serious and this has lead to me getting serious.

b It could have been lower except I ate some dark chocolate around 2:20 am to stave off hunger.

c Something made me sick and I was vomiting after sleeping for about an hour. Once this was over, I felt fine. I wonder if it was the leftovers that did me?

Given the "scores" I have been getting since Kathie got on board with reducing blood sugar by diet, I sincerely doubt I am due for "the needle" any time soon!

Kathie has suffered high morning scores and  lower evening scores. I have varied from high morning scores to low morning scores and I suspect it has to do with what I had for dinner the night before...

dI have not consumed much carbs today. Also, I am about out of test stripes and can not afford to test again tonight.

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