Tuesday, December 31, 2019

January 2020

January 2020

My first family MD told me to test my blood sugar twice a day on two different days. I took his advise of testing first thing in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday. My VA Doc changed the second "testing time" to two hours after I finished eating dinner. My three family MDs since 2004 and various VA Docs have agreed with this testing plan.

Kathie is now type 2 as well and is testing on Monday and Thursday. So, I am now testing those days as well.

Day  Date AM    PM
Wed    1  ---   ---  
Thu    2   85    83a  
Fri    3  ---   ---  
Sat    4  ---   ---  
Sun    5  ---   ---  
Mon    6  ---   ---  
Tue    7   77   107  
Wed    8  ---   ---  
Thu    9   91b  120  
Fri   10  ---   ---  
Sat   11  ---   ---  
Sun   12  ---   ---  
Mon   13c 116   101 vomito ergo sum  
Tue   14  ---   ---  
Wed   15  ---   ---  
Thu   16  129   112  
Fri   17  ---   ---  
Sat   18  ---   ---  
Sun   19  ---   ---  
Mon   20  102   121  
Tue   21  ---   ---  
Wed   22  ---   ---  
Thu   23   96   125  
Fri   24  ---   ---  
Sat   25  ---   ---  
Sun   26  ---   ---  
Mon   27   98    67d  
Tue   28  ---   ---  
Wed   29  ---   ---  
Thu   30   93   127
Fri   31  ---   ---  

a These are surprisingly low figures. I guess i won't be "going on the needle" any time soon. Also, Kathie got serious and this has lead to me getting serious.

b It could have been lower except I ate some dark chocolate around 2:20 am to stave off hunger.

c Something made me sick and I was vomiting after sleeping for about an hour. Once this was over, I felt fine. I wonder if it was the leftovers that did me?

Given the "scores" I have been getting since Kathie got on board with reducing blood sugar by diet, I sincerely doubt I am due for "the needle" any time soon!

Kathie has suffered high morning scores and  lower evening scores. I have varied from high morning scores to low morning scores and I suspect it has to do with what I had for dinner the night before...

dI have not consumed much carbs today. Also, I am about out of test stripes and can not afford to test again tonight.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

post impeachment reactions

Well, "The Donald" got impeached and I am relieved this little nightmare is over.

So, now it is up to the Senate to perform their sworn duties. (I fear they will not.) Based on Moscow Mitch saying he is "not impartial" makes me think the fix is in.

So, what can "The Donald" do beside whine and bitch on tweeter?

It occurred to me "The Donald" could sue the House to have the Impeachment overturned in court. This does not possible but I did not think "The Donald" could avoid an iron clad law requiring income tax returned to be given to House Committee Chairmen/women if asked for...

It would be an interesting event as I don't think Speaker Pulaski would give in to this kind of reaction.

Monday, December 02, 2019

December 2019

My first MD after I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic told me to test my blood two days a week. On that day once upon getting out of bed and then 2 hours after "fork down" that evening.

I initially was testing Tuesday and Thursday, mostly because of my rotating watch (work) schedule. Now that Kathie has drifted from pre-diabetic to T2D herself, I am testing on her schedule (Monday and Thursday).

Day       AM    PM 
Sun    1  ---   ---   
Mon    2   86   110   
Tue    3  ---   ---   
Wed    4  ---   ---   
Thu    5  147*    972   
Fri    6  ---   ---   
Sat    7  ---   ---   
Sun    8  ---   ---   
Mon    9   95   156   
Tue   10  ---   ---   
Wed   11  ---   ---   
Thu   12  120b  193   
Fri   13  ---   ---   
Sat   14  ---   ---   
Sun   15  ---   ---   
Mon   16   96    78c   
Tue   17  ---   ---   
Wed   18  ---   ---   
Thu   19   92   139   
Fri   20  ---   ---   
Sat   21  ---   ---   
Sun   22  ---   ---   
Mon   23   84   106   
Tue   24  ---   ---   
Wed   25  ---   ---   
Thu   26   82   121   
Fri   27  ---   ---   
Sat   28  ---   ---   
Sun   29  ---   ---   
Mon   30  113d   111   
Tue   31  ---   ---   

*I was surprised by a morning score this high! I had a very light dinner last night and kept waking up hungry. Finally, I got out of bed, drank some water and ate some dark chocolate chips.

2 My evening "score" is low because I had a salad for lunch and the salmon and broccoli for dinner.

b I kept waking up hungry and ate a couple of dark chocolate chips; this killed the hunger but apparently jacked my morning "score".

cThis is a lot lower than I had expected!

d I kept waking up feeling very hungry and finally ate some dark chocolates. They worked.