WED 12 114 122
THU 13 134 176
FRI 14 110 137 Pen 2 Dose 2 Y
SAT 15 104 200 V
SUN 16 124 134
MON 17 133 131 V
TUE 18 114 121
WED 19 121 131
THU 20 122 148
FRI 21 109 133 Pen 2 Dose 3 Y V
SAT 22 •msn 134
SUN 23 139 128
MON 24 139 128
TUE 25 112 133
WED 26 118 108yeah!
THU 27 107 142
FRI 28 122 140 Pen 2 Dose 4 Y
SAT 29 108 120
SUN 30 116 163 May 2023
MON 1 130 131
TUE 2 111 146 WED 3 121 137
THU 4 114 131
FRI 5 117 128 Pen 3 Dose 1 Y
SAT 6 118 139
SUN 7 123
V s for vomiting and pain in my ribcage on the lower right. I ate too much of an oily steak for dinner and had a gall bladder attack.
• My morning was confusing and I forgot to test my blood. Shit happens as they say.
AR or about 3:30 am or so, bells rang and a loud voice saying something like "Attention Medical Response Team, go to Baja Deck room B606. This is on deck 11. I repeat: Attention Medical Response Team, go to Baja B606."
I was in bed asleep, with my hearing aids out and yet I heard this alert clearely. Kathie was right when she said it was loud in our room.
¢I know I tested my blood sugar at this time but the reading did not get stored.
yeah! Such are the benefits of eating very lightly, regular and sometimes strenuous exercise!
<p>WED 12 114 122
<p>THU 13 134 176
<p>FRI 14 110 137 Pen 2 Dose 2 Y
<p>SAT 15 104 200 V
<p>SUN 16 124. 134
<p>MON 17 133 131. V
<p>TUE 18 114 121
<p>WED. 19 121 131
<p>THU. 20 122 148
<p>FRI 21 109 133 Pen 2 Dose 3 Y V
<p>SAT 22 <sup><b>•</b></sup>msn 134
<p>SUN 23 139 <sup><b>¢</b></sup>msn. 128
<p>MON 24 139 128
<p>TUE 25 112 133
<p>WED 26 118 108<sup><b>yeah!</b</sup>
<p>THU 27 107 142
<p>FRI 28 122 140 Pen 2 Dose 4 Y
<p>SAT 29 108 120
<p>SUN 30 116 163
May 2023
<p>MON 1 130 131
<p>TUE 2 111 146
<p>WED 3 121 137
<p>THU 4 114 131
<p>FRI 5 117 128 Pen 3 Dose 1 Y
<p>V s for vomiting and pain in my ribcage on the lower right. I ate too much of an oily steak for dinner and had a gall bladder attack.
<p><sup><b>•</b></sup> My morning was confusing and I forgot to test my blood. Shit happens as they say.<p>AR or about 3:30 am or so, bells rang and a loud voice saying something like "Attention Medical Response Team, go to Baja Deck room B606. This is on deck 11. I repeat: Attention Medical Response Team, go to Baja B606."<p>I was in bed asleep, with my hearing aids out and yet I heard this alert clearely. Kathie was right when she said it was loud in our room.
<p><sup><b>¢</b></sup>I know I tested my blood sugar at this time but the reading did not get stored.
<p><sup><b>yeah!</b></sup> Such are the benefits of eating very lightly, regular and sometimes strenuous exercise!
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