Monday, June 01, 2020

June 2020

June 2020

My first family MD told me to test my blood sugar twice a day on two different days. I took his advise of testing first thing in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday. My VA Doc changed the second "testing time" to two hours after I finished eating dinner. My three family MDs since 2004 and various VA Docs have agreed with this testing plan.

Kathie is now type 2 as well and is testing on Monday and Thursday. So, I am now testing those days as well.

Day  Date AM    PM

Mon    1   76   100  
Tue    2  ---   ---  
Wed    3  ---   ---  
Thu    4   81    74  
Fri    5  ---   ---  
Sat    6  ---   --- V 
Sun    7  ---   ---  
Mon    8   59   134  
Tue    9  ---   ---  
Wed   10  ---   ---  
Thu   11   5711 105  
Fri   12  ---   ---  
Sat   13  ---   ---  
Sun   14  ---   ---bloody urine in early evening 
Mon   15   54    97  
Tue   16  ---   ---  
Wed   17  ---   ---  
Thu   18   66   154 18 
Fri   19  ---   ---  
Sat   20  ---   ---  
Sun   21  ---   ---  
Mon   22  100   151  
Tue   23  ---   ---bloody urine in early evening 
Wed   24  ---   ---  
Thu   25   61   176 blood clots in urine 
Fri   26  ---   ---  
Sat   27  ---   ---  
Sun   28  ---   ---  
Mon   29   61   122  
Tue   30  ---   ---  
Wed   31  ---   ---  

VI had a beer with dinner and two gin-n-tonic. About the time I was finishing the 2nd gin-n-tonic , I realized I was not going to keep any of it down. So, I quietly went to the back bathroom, bend over and lost my dinner and both gin-n-tonics. 

I had tried to remove the grease from the hamburger but I suspect I did not get enough of it.

11  I felt so hungry I could not sleep so about 4:30 am I ate some dark chocolate chips. I remember thinking "I'm heading for the 40s." So, a sore of 57 was no real surprise.

18 I forgot to take my pills this morning and if I had, my evening score would have probably been lower.

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