Sunday, April 01, 2018

April 2018 blood test results

I test my blood sugar level upon getting out of bed Tuesdays and Thursdays and 2 hours after "putting down my fork" after my evening meal. Since I am not "on the needle" (using insulin), these tests are simply advisory; being on pills, there is nothing I can adjust.

Day       AM    PM
Sun    1  ---   ---   
Mon    2  ---   ---   
Tue    3  1091  163   
Wed    4  ---   ---   
Thu    5  119   126   
Fri    6  ---   ---   
Sat    7  ---   ---   
Sun    8  ---   ---   
Mon    9  ---   ---   
Tue   10   72   162   
Wed   11  ---   ---   
Thu   12  109   150   
Fri   13  ---   ---   
Sat   14  ---   ---   
Sun   152 ---   ---
Mon   163 ---   ---   
Tue   17  123   266   
Wed   18  ---   ---   
Thu   19  108   188   
Fri   20  ---   ---   
Sat   21  ---   ---   
Sun   22  ---   ---   
Mon   23  ---   ---   
Tue   24   91   121   
Wed   25  ---   ---   
Thu   26   92   ---   
Fri   27  ---   ---   
Sat   28  ---   ---   
Sun   29  ---   ---   
Mon   30  ---   ---   
Tue   31  ---   --- 

1I kept waking up feeling hungry. I refused to get a snack because I wanted to see how low the night sugar could go. I did not expect something as high as 109. I should have gotten that snack...

2About an hour after going to bed, I awoke gurgling up spit. I finally realized this was the precursor to vomiting and so I went to the hall way bath room, stuck my finger down my throat and vomited several times. I felt much better afterwards...

3I was surprised when I vomited a couple of hours after going to bed. (sigh)

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