Friday, October 27, 2017

my fucked up blood sugar numbers and despair

Given the fucked up and wildly erratic blood sugar numbers I've had lately, I am giving into despair. I talked with a medical doctor at a health faire a couple of weeks ago and he told me about two weekly shots I could take that enable my current pills to work much better. (I wish I had written their names down.) Also, it would help keep me "off the needle" much longer...

There is a veil of self-imposed secrecy over diabetes and maintained by diabetes. I was taught by my parents that telling folks about my medical problems is the worst way to gain attention. Practical experience has taught me that outsiders don't give a shit and don't want to hear about your medical problems. (Sometimes, even your own family does not want to hear of them.)

So, I simply do not mention my diabetes, past heart surgery (stents), asthma, and visits to my oncologist. This ain't none of their (outsiders) business and they (outsiders) want to keep it that way!

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