Friday, July 01, 2016

finding an "endo" (endocrinologist)

I was doing some research on the utility of endos (endocrinologists) in southwest Kansas. I came to the conclusion there were simply not enough customers patients to support a full time endo. However, they should be enough for a part time endo in the county I live in. We'll see...

Dr. Clerkley is a big wig in a "find an endo" organization.

Actually, we have to wait for this "Dr. Clerkley" to reply...

Dr. Clerkley,

I am a type 2 diabetic and live in Ford County Kansas.

There are no endocrinologists in Ford County. Do you know of any endos in western Kansas?

For that matter, would a visit with an endo benefit me? Both my family MD and the VA doc, who have been attending to me, have never suggested an endo consult.
I ask these questions as they have pestered me for years and I would like to quiet them.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Michael Bell

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