Sunday, September 19, 2004

well, I finally told my Mother...

My Mom called tonight and asked how we were doing (family and I). I hedged with "well, fairly well..."

Then, I paused and made a tentative opening: "Mom, would you rather know about a problem and worry about it or not know and not be worried?"

"I'd rathern know."

"Humm, I've talked to Jim recently..."

"When were you diagnosed?"

"On 7 May this year. Dr H----- said I'm a type 2."

"You didn't tell me???"

"Well, we didn't want to burden you." (Which was true!)

"Well, Michael, you really should have told me!"

My mother had been fairly sick at that time, her sister was in hospital and her best friend very ill. She later told me that she appreciated that we had not told her.

So, we talked about this for at least a half hour and I missed the end of a TV show that I had wanted to see (an episode of Stargate:SG1...oh, well). The phone call was much more important to me and I felt a great sense of relief at not having to hide. My wife talked with my mother and said she felt relieved as well...

This just left calling my brother, Charlie. He was quite upset and we had a long talk.

I sent my brother Jeff a copy of the email I sent Jim. I printed it out, made a mailing label for him with the label maker at work and sent it off. I believe that a serious note or letter should be sent via postal service rather than email or fax. There is much more privacy and snailmail (and even fax) lack the sometimes distressing informality of email.

I didn't expect him to respond to my letter and he didn't disappoint me. (OK, I figured how many days it would take to reach his heart in the little "Damn Yankee State" he lives in. For those who are offended by calling a "New England State" a "Damn Yankee State", all I can say is that living in the Deep South [Mississippi] when in school leaves it's impact...)

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