Wednesday, April 05, 2023
March 2023 blood results
March 2023
I was diagnosed type 2 Diabetic Friday 7 March 2023. I have been on
different pills since Monday 10 March 2023 but never on the needle*!
I have had various MDs and three
different Nurse Practitioner. I test my blood sugar upon getting out of bed and
2 hours after "forks down" after my evening meals.
Date Day AM
PM Blood Pressure Pulse
Wed 1 142 168 117/79
68 218.1
Thu 2 134 129
141/78 64
Fri 3 126 156
146/75 57 ξPen1 Dose2(0.25
Sat 4
129 124 140/86 67
Sun 5 135 133 128/67 56
Mon 6 147 135
140/74 72 ξ
Tue 7 129 131
132/70 58
Wed 8 133 169
127/78 59
Thu 9 133
150 112/71 61
Fri 10 121
137 151/72 60 Pen1 Dose3(0.25 MG)Y
Sat 11 130
163 148/77 67
Sun 12 136
207 120/76 61
Mon 13 128
(334)* 162 148/85
Tue 14 130
122/69 65
Wed 15 142
101 135/64 64
Thu 1616117
121/68 54 ξ
Fri 17 134
201 140/76
58 Pen1 Dose4 (0.25 MG}Yv
Sat 18 113 190 128/73 66
Sun 19 123
144/84 64
Mon 20 116 117
108/68 59
Tue 21
136 115 131/72 65
Wed 22
126 192 126/70 64
Thu 23 136 128
123/67 64 ξ
Fri 24 123 149 116/68 57 Pen1 Dos5 (0.50 MG) Y
Sat 25 134 128 144/79 61 Future doses 0.5mg
Sun 26 112
141 136/76
Mon 27 129 129 139/73 58
Tue 28 135 140
137/78 58
Wed 29
119 151 123/66
Thu 30
120 186 120/65 68
Fri 31 117 189 127/76 62 Pen 1 Dos 6 Y
* Given that I had boiled carrots, boiled broccoli florets, a
small chunk of pototoe and 2 hot dogs for dinner, the first reading was clearly
from a defective reading. The second reading was higher than I think it should
have been but still reason-able.
16 The
initial blood pressure & pulse was 116/77 44 so I took my blood pressure
again and got 121/68 54, which seemed
more reasonable.
v I had a Saint Paddy Day
dinner of corned beef, boiled potatoes and boiled cabbage with a large glass of
Stella Artois. Desert was a large ice creamme cone with chocolate dip. About
1:30 am, I was in the bathroom vomiting. I guess not having any gall bladder
attacks lately (I have gall stones) led me to think I can still eat food this
rich. I can not…