October 2022Our MD has us test our blood sugar upon waking and then 2 hours after "fork down" in the evening. This has been going on a long time.
My Heart Surgeon is worried about my blood pressure and is having me take my blood pressure first thing in the morning.
Sat 1 118 140 137/63
Sun 2 133 146 154/69
Mon 3 132 139 153 111 120/63
Tue 4 135 156 224/70
Wed 5 109 199 117/67
Thu 6 126 188 126/75
Fri 7 140 149 183 138 123/75
Sat 8 143 153 136/72
Sun 9 124 225 140/56
Mon 10 148 148 163 140 134/69
Tue 11 121 190 123/56 2 hours post lunch 224
Wed 12 126 156 122/69
Thu 13 111 185 151 145 138/69
Fri 14 136 186 149/84
Sat 15 118 170 136/70
Sun 16 153 182 113/87
Mon 17 134 212 108/84
Tue 18 156 225 114/82
Wed 19 144 162 124/86
Thu. 20 125 190 149 128/89
Fri. 21 122 129/91
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I had homemade pizza and a local lager on the 9th.