Monday, May 31, 2021

June Data

June 2021 

 My first family MD told me to test my blood sugar twice a day on two different days. I took his advise of testing first thing in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday and just before eating my evening meal.

My VA Doc changed the second "testing time" to two hours after I finished eating dinner. 

My three family MDs since 2004 and various VA Docs have agreed with this testing plan. Kathie is  type 2 as well and we both are testing on Monday and Thursday. 

day date  AM    PM
Tue    1  100   180   
Wed    2  1162  146   
Thu    3  120   ---   
Fri    4  ---   ---   
Sat    5  ---   ---   
Sun    6  ---   ---   
Mon    7  152   223   
Tue    8  131   ---   
Wed    9  ---   ---   
Thu   10  171   140   
Fri   11  ---   ---   
Sat   12  ---   ---   
Sun   13  ---   ---   
Mon   14  142   ---   
Tue   15  ---   ---   
Wed   16  135   ---   
Thu   17  135   ---   
Fri   18  ---   ---   
Sat   19  129   ---   
Sun   20  ---   ---trip 
Mon   21  164   152   
Tue   22  148   ---   
Wed   23  195   126oh shit   
Thu   24  130   107     M   
Fri   25  ---   ---   
Sat   26  ---   ---   
Sun   27  ---   113   
Mon   28  125   113   
Tue   29  133   197   
Wed   30  146   132sigh   

2 I keep waking up feeling very hungry so I got up, drank some coffee and ate a small 
  amount of dark chocolate chips. I felt better for a while and when the hunger returned
  I sternly told it "you are not getting more!"

trip  We went to the 2021 District Convention in Topeka and left there on Sunday the 
     6th to drive out to Eugene Oregon. I had hoped to make contact with Jim's daughter
     Cortney that we might spend time with that branch of the Bells. I never got a
     reply to my email and she never called or texted. I guess we really have been 

oh shit I forgot to take my pills with me to work, hence the 195. After taking my pills, I tested again

          2 hours later and scored 126. Yeah! 

sigh I had a nice salad for lunch and 3 hard boiled eggs for "dinner". It is hard to believe my blood sugar would be this high!

Friday, May 21, 2021

Update on my T2D Diabetics

 I had a very mild case of covid-19 in early March 2020. This was before tests were available. I had a cough and was bringing up crap. I was scheduled for a TURP (prostate operation) on 10 March 2020. The RNs were concerned. However, the Surgeon (Urologist) was not and the planned surgery went as planned.

A week later, my Surgeon told me "when I removed most of your prostate, I removed most of your prostate cancer."  Lovely, just fucking lovely!

A couple of month later, my wife told me "you look like you are losing weight!"

I had a MD meeting in July 2020 and it turned out my A1C had dropped from 7.8 to 6.4. My weight had dropped from 288 pounds to 244. Wow! 

Now, I was really fearing my prostate cancer had spread.  This notion ignored the fact that being stuck in the house and loss of appetite, and sense of taste and sense of smell and pure boredom with the food we were eating lead to me rather naturally losing weight.

As of yesterday, my weight was 234 pounds or a lose of 54 pounds since early March 2020!

Sadly, my A1C went up to 7.8. My MD asked me yesterday "Why did this go up?"

I replied "you took me off a diabetic medication and I think this lead to the increase." He could not argue and put me on 1000 mg Metformin in the evening. He mentioned this could cause stomach upset.

Well, I don't think so! I have been taking metformin since 10 May 2004 or about 17 years and 10 days. I got over the metformin induced shits many years ago!

Well, it is 8:08 PM of the day I wrote the above material and the metformin is hanging fire. I'll check this in a couple of days to see if the metformin order finally comes through.

Sun   16  145s2 135
Mon   17  138   141
Tue   18  133   176
Wed   19  140   174
Thu   20  130   132
Fri   21  144   18221
Sat   22  ---   ---
Sun   23  ---   ---
Mon   24  ---   ---
Tue   25  ---   ---
Wed   26  ---   ---
Thu   27  ---   ---
Fri   28  ---   ---
Sat   29  ---   ---
Sun   30  ---   ---
Mon   31  ---   ---
s2 While cooking dinner last night, I forgot to take my evening pills.

21 I suppose spaghetti, garlic bread and a couple of glasses of excellent beer lead to high blood sugars. The good news is those two beers make me not really give a shit...

Monday, May 03, 2021

May 2021

May 2021 

 My first family MD told me to test my blood sugar twice a day on two different days. I took his advise of testing first thing in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday and just before eating my evening meal.

My VA Doc changed the second "testing time" to two hours after I finished eating dinner. 

My three family MDs since 2004 and various VA Docs have agreed with this testing plan. Kathie is  type 2 as well and we both are testing on Monday and Thursday. 

day date  AM    PM
Sat    1  ---   ---
Sun    2  ---   ---
Mon    3  138   128
Tue    4  ---   ---
Wed    5  ---   ---
Thu    6  123   137
Fri    7  ---   ---
Sat    8  ---   ---
Sun    9  ---   ---
Mon   10  163   116
Tue   11  ---   ---    m
Wed   12  140   214high
Thu   13  148   150sigh
Fri   14  ---   ---
Sat   15  141   194
Sun   16  145s2 135
Mon   17  138   141
Tue   18  133   176
Wed   19  140   174
Thu   20  130   132
Fri   21  144   18221
Sat   22  142   221@   
Sun   23  143   127
Mon   24  124   121     m   156%   
Tue   25  117   157
Wed   26  137   182
Thu   27  144   236Merde
Fri   28  133   ---
Sat   29  143   142     v
Sun 30 16930 --- Mon 31 157 119
high My dinner was Ramman with some potatoe and boiled onions added. I did not think it would be this high!

sigh I forgot to take my morning pills...

s2 While cooking dinner last night, I forgot to take my evening pills.

21 I suppose spaghetti, garlic bread and a couple of glasses of excellent beer lead to high blood sugars. The good news is those two beers make me not really give a shit...

@ I started taking 1000mg Metormin in the evening. However, we also went to the Casino for the first time since January 2020 and I had a loaded potatoe, chocolate cake and ice creamme. This clearly jacked my blood sugar. Also, it takes a while for more metformin to kick in... 

% In mid morning, I was feeling awful and wondered if I had low blood sugar. I tested and found I did not.

Merde It turned out I forgot to take my fucking evening pills. Merde!

30I started with severe stomack pain last night after dinner. I thought it might have been faty steak and it may have been. After a while, I had to wander back to the bathroom and vomit a bit. I vomited twice more after going to bed, This weak, low volume, vomiting was not doing much to ease my pain.

I decided I needed "working fluids" so I went to the kitchen and drank a couple of large glasses of water. I went back to bed and a voice in my head said "vomit in the toilet or in bed, your choice!" I trundled into the bathroom and vomited a lot I then went back to bed with the stomach pains gone.

This morning I still feel crappy. I feel "puny" to use Kathie's expression.

v Decades ago, I had the combination of bad food choices and reactions to my early diabetics medications,. "V" stands for ''

"Vomito Ergo Sum" 
"I vomit, therefore I am".