Wednesday, September 20, 2017

another try at this app

test at using this app


Thursday, September 14, 2017

strange blood

My morning reading was 164!  My evening score was 148!

I have been fighting a cold with massive post nasal drip and coughing. Last night, I sat in the living room on a recliner coughing, gagging, blowing my nose and still trying to fall asleep. I kept coughing up literal mouthfuls of thin phlegm. This lead to me vomiting.  An hour or so later, I ended up vomiting again. I turned off the lamp, on the table next to me, and finally fell asleep.

Kathie woke up about 5:30 am and told me to come back to bed. I did and actually slept till about 7:40 am.

Then, I took my morning blood sugar reading and got the 164! Shit!

My evening, two hours past "fork down" score, was 148.  Go figure!  I can not understand this blood sugar crap!


Thursday, September 07, 2017

September 2017

September 2017
Day       AM    PM
Fri    1  ---   ---  
Sat    2  ---   ---  
Sun    3  ---   ---  
Mon    4  ---   ---  
Tue    5   86   164  
Wed    6  ---   ---  
Thu    7  104   1141
Fri    8   742   ---  
Sat    9  ---   ---  
Sun   10  ---   ---  
Mon   11  ---   ---  
Tue   12  ---   ---  
Wed   13  ---   ---  
Thu   14  ---   ---  
Fri   15  ---   ---  
Sat   16  ---   ---  
Sun   17  ---   ---  
Mon   18  ---   ---  
Tue   19  ---   ---  
Wed   20  ---   ---  
Thu   21  ---   ---  
Fri   22  ---   ---  
Sat   23  ---   ---  
Sun   24  ---   ---  
Mon   25  ---   ---  
Tue   26  ---   ---  
Wed   27  ---   ---  
Thu   28  ---   ---  
Fri   29  ---   ---  
Sat   30  ---   ---  
Sun   31  ---   ---  
1 I mowed the yard after dinner and this may have lowered my "score".
2 I was stuck in the bedroom last night because we had to keep our kitten away from food and water after 7 pm. We had to leave food and water out for the other cat during the night. So, having forgotten to bring food with me, I kept waking up during the night feeling hungry. My late evening score was 114 and overnight fasting lead to the 74 this morning.