Tuesday, October 07, 2008

fiver for controlling the blood sugar...

Here is an excellent article about the virtues of broccoli for controlling blood sugar. Here is some fine sales work:
The tasty green florets are ripped with sulforaphane, a compound that seems to help keep high blood sugar goons on their best behavior, so they do less damage.
This webpage talks about the ways fiver can help
they suggest putting fiber-rich foods like oatmeal, whole-grain toast, or a veggie-packed omelet on your morning menu to curb afternoon binging on Cheetos or cookies. That's because fiber acts like a speed bump in your gastrointestinal tract, slowing everything way down, so you stay fuller longer.
I probably should mention that both quotes in blockquote are presented in the spirit of "fair usage" and were each taken from the reference link immediately above said quotes.