June 2007
Day Date AM PM ≤2 >2 v s ==================================
Fri 15 128 136 0 0 n n
Sat 16 --- --- 0 0 n n
Sun 17 --- --- 0 0 n n
Mon 18 --- --- 0 1 n n
Tue 19 126 207 0 0 n n 121 about noon at the hospital The 207
Wed 20 --- --- 0 0 n n was 26 hours after surgery and I was on
Thu 21 --- --- 0 1 n n Oxycondron. My brother Charlie is right:
Fri 22 115 198 0 0 n n surgery and drugs do fuck up diabetics!
Sat 23 --- --- 0 0 n n I probably could have used an insulsin shot!
Sun 24 --- --- 0 0 n n
Mon 25 --- --- 0 0 n n
Tue 26 123 --- 0 0 n n
Wed 27 --- --- 0 0 n n
Thu 28 --- --- 0 0 n n
Fri 29 --- --- 0 0 n n
Sat 30 --- --- 0 0 n n
Sun 31 --- --- 0 0 n n
I broke three bones in my left ankle and needed corrective
surgery. Afterwards, I was consuming pain killers (prescription
Oxycondron) and some over the counter drugs. I don't recommend
any of this because while it didn't seem to mees up my
morning blood sugar readings, it surely did mess up my
evening readings.
I suppose I could have done twice daily readings from the day I
trashed my ankle or at least from when I saw the 207 reading.