My father was a type 1 diabetic and my youngest brother a Juvenile onset. Both lost a leg and part of the other foot and then their lives (Father in 1994 at age 68, brother in 2009 at age 44). So, I've been fearing the words my family doctor hit me with on 7 May 2004: "You are a diabetic".
Events have consequences and so did my "little" binging...
For most folks, that might seem too high. But for me, it is quite high and will probably fuck up my A1C test in late May! (28 May 2006: This little binge probably had it's part in my getting an increase in A1c from 6.8 to 7.0! in late May!) However, it was well worth it!
For me, this was a shockingly high value. I just knew that it really help fuck up my A1C test in late May (and I rather think that it did!). Alas but it did give me a really strong hint on what I shouldn't eat. Also, I could take comfort in the fact that I go to this restraunt perhaps once a year and almost never go to Chinese elsewhere. Kind of a reassurring thougth, kind of...
Of course, I being a highly intelligent type who takes bad news in stride and knowing that I should do nothing to jack that frigging reading, didn't go out for a walk but had a beer instead...
Ok, I may be fairly intelligent but sometimes I just sigh and do the easy but bad things...
Besides, I felt better after having that beer. (I didn't get around to telling me wife just how bad bad was...)
Who says my dog and cat (one of them anyway) can't get along with each other?